1. Post the right content
You need to be a hardliner when it comes to developing content for your audience. It must appeal only to your ideal customer and no one else. Remember, you want to weed out the people who aren’t your customers and will never buy, with fully targeted content that focuses only on your ideal customer.
2. Add a Chatbot
A chatbot can be added to your website and to each of your social media accounts, to help you provide amazing customer care to your customers. They can do things like taking orders, answer questions, and even elicit feedback from your audience – all automatically on a 24/7 basis.
3. Host a Contest
When you host a contest, consider the prizes carefully. You want the prize to be of interest only to your audience. That way you’re sure to have participants who will become customers.
4. Go Live for a Q & A Session
Take some time to go live on social media occasionally to answer prescreened and even live questions from your customers. This can also be recorded and continually shared so that it lasts a long time.
5. Ask for Feedback
If you’re talking to your customers on a regular basis, you need to be asking for feedback. You can ask them questions on each platform and via email. One way to do this is to showcase product covers and let them decide which they like best.
6. Get More Reviews
Every time you sell something, follow up with a request for a product or service review. You can organize this questionnaire using a service like Acuityscheduling.com because it allows you to deliver questionnaires to anyone.
7. Automate Testimonial Collection
Set up a question asking for testimonials in your autoresponder. Set up one for each social media platform you use and send them out separately over time to the customers who have purchased your products. This will encourage testimonials more than anything else.
8. Build Community
When you build a community, you build a feeling of togetherness. This feeling will spill over and start helping you promote your products and services using word of mouth.
9. Add More Visual Content
People like beautiful things. They want to look at a website or social media account with images that resonate with them. Instead of using so many stock photos, try taking your own pictures that are more personal in nature to really set yourself apart.
10. Ask Them to Engage
Even if you post a question, some people aren’t going to engage. Once you post the question on social media, send out an email with a link to the question asking them to come to the site to answer it.